Meditation for a better you

Leadership, Personal Growth Coach & Author

Meditation for a better you
Meditation for a better you

Meditation & Practicing Mindfulness: Meditation work on a deeper level than our intellect state. They are great for our physical body and our soul. Fortunately, meditation is easy to practice. It doesn’t require expensive equipment, nor does it take up loads of space. All you need is yourself and a quiet corner.

There are many different techniques. The common denominator across all the techniques is that Meditation evokes inner stillness, quietude; it is a conduit for introspection in our noisy world.

The benefits (even when done for a few minutes a day) are invaluable. Meditation joins our intellect self with our visceral and emotional self. It is the emotion’s food and massage. Immersing yourself in your meditation will help you see that “Nothing is Permanent”. As said earlier, most of us know this intellectually. It is imperative that you know this Viscerally too to enable you to float above any problems you may think you have!

Meditation will help you alleviate your suffering(s) as it is a pathway to you experiencing the impermanence which in turn leads you to the ability to let go of unnecessary emotional baggage.

Finally, Meditation will change your relationship with Negative Emotions and situations that come with Negative Emotions. With Meditation, you find that instead of being all-consuming, you’ll see (formerly) troubling issues float by you into the horizon!

You can learn more about Wellness, Personal Growth, and Business Insight with Pat Clough

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