Leadership, Personal Growth Coach & Author



A warm welcome from me to you! Let’s explore life together; strive for the ultimate well-being; whilst getting smarter. 


Our world today is filled with stress, anxiety, depression, weight and mental health issues; also chronic, degenerative illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis etc.

Fortunately, there are ways all these can be addressed and dealt with. And this is where I come in – helping my clients deal with these issues; using Scientifically-Backed Methodology that addresses your specific issues and enable your innate strength, talents and skills to shine through as your conscious capabilities. Activating these will enhance your mental health, your personal growth and well-being.

My books are helpful resources for Wellness, Mindfulness and Meditation practices. They will help you manage your overall wellbeing, including anxiety, stress and mental health. They will also help you to cope with serious illnesses and depression.

Journaling helps to improve mood through prioritizing problems, fears, and concerns. Journaling is truly remarkable in the tracking of symptoms on a day-to-day basis. It will also help you to recognize your triggers and to track your personal feedback on ways to control them. Journaling gives you a great opportunity to engage in positive self-talk, to identify negative thoughts and plan out ways to deal with them.

My articles are written to stimulate thoughts and questions. They will also expand your knowledge of modern issues. We cover matters that empower and help you to see how amazing you are, including wellness, finance and beauty.

We invite you to journey with us. Get in touch, book a session or write in with any questions you may have. In the meantime, we hope that you enjoy our carefully curated experts’ content and Alignment Resources. Let’s get wiser and have a clearer vision to create that exceptional life that you deserve.

~ Pat Clough


Your Life for Optimum Results

The Neuro-Science Method therapy fills the limitations of traditional therapy in developing; enhancing and uniting the abilities you need to tap into and use your mental, physical and spiritual powers to the highest level.
I provide the essential tools for your healing, the repairs you need to grow. I will guide you to create a more vibrant, authentic, and joyful life.
It is time, each one of us ask ourselves; are we truly living our authentic lives, are we living it to the best of our potentials.
Science has shown that our Brains are “Pattern Dictators” that continuously learn. This is amazing because it means that “The sky is literally the limit”. I ask you to trust in Science, come; lets tap into  “Neuroplasticity” and explore how you can use it to achieve whatever you want in life.
Pat Latest
When was the last time you asked yourself these mundane, but

Deep questions?

· What is your purpose in life 
· What are your beliefs 
· What are your values
· And what effect do these have in your behavior today? On your life? On your happiness? Your successes and your traumas?
My work involves unlocking your innate abilities, to awaken you to behaviors you exhibit but are not serving you positively anymore? Behaviors that are distracting and stopping you from achieving and reaching your potentials, from being the best? 
My job is to help you, using Neuroscience-Backed methods from the best, renowned Scientists, to sync and align your goals and values to your talents, skills and energy, All these we do in practical, easy to apply formats. I will help you to pull and utilize your physical, mental, and spiritual abilities for ultimate joy, purpose and life fulfilment.
You will have a richer, more content life today, that is sustained going into your future because working with my Science-Backed methods ensures that the results you get, work and stick permanently.
Contact me today, let’s get to it.
Pat Clough

Developing Your Self-Knowledge & Self-Determination Is Key To Your Success

Purposeful living is very important because it gives meaning to your life. It positively affects your emotional landscape, your relationships and your sense of achievement. Purpose is so important; that it is also associated with robust physical health.

Unfortunately, Purpose is not inherent in us. YOU MUST LOOK FOR IT, CREATE IT or LEARN IT. Some of us may be lucky and happen upon it but majority of us struggle to discover, understand and fulfil our “WHYs”

Self- Determination Theory helps as it delineates three basic psychological needs for your well-being

  • Autonomy of our Actions
  • Competence in what we do
  • Relatedness to all around us

These are achievable. The question is, how do you go about achieving them; the hard way or the smart way? This is where I come in. My job, my method that is science-backed, is proven to help you achieve these; to give you clarity, understanding and confidence in YOURSELF.

You will have a happier life by knowing and focusing on what you were born to do, which in turn makes you competent, more productive and fulfilled for you and people around you.



1 to 1, leadership, executive & life balance coaching


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The Significance of Closure in a Relationship As a Certified Neuroscience Life Coach, it is crucial to recognize the importance of closure in a relationship through both traditional coaching methods and cognitive science-based, evidence-backed perspectives. In my practice, I integrate both approaches depending on the unique needs and preferences of each client, as they are not
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Dealing with Depression, The Cognitive Science Way Do you suffer from depression? If so, you are not alone. Depression affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their mental health, daily functioning, and overall quality of life. While traditional treatments like therapy and medication are effective, incorporating insights from cognitive science has help provide my clients with an
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